Saturday, October 15, 2005

1st post

To all my fellow batchmates.
I am starting a blog for our batch. I would like everyone to contribute anything under the sun here.... your day at work, your kids, achievements, etc. etc. etc. This is intended to complement our Yahoo Group.

The Blog, as you see, is temporarily titled "La Kulasa" and the description is temporary as well, as I just had to get it up. Any suggestions specially with the title and description is most welcome! I will also be incorporating a batch photo album (still looking for a good one) so as to also have a permanent file of all shared photos (and not getting lost under millions of messages, or lack of storage space in our yahoo group's album) with a permanent sub-album for each of us.

There are also several online woman's organization in the net which I recommend our batch to be part of. These organizations recognizes women from all walks of life who does her part (as an individual or group) in contributing anything be it in work, extra-curricular, family, education, etc. like Therie's scholarship project, or Mam Jinky's walk for cause, among others, or your kid's achievement in school, a promotion or a recent vacation trip.

If you have a website or a blog too, let's place a link here. I am using a blog template and am still tweaking it up, doing several changes, add-ons, and face-lifts, as I only have limited html know-how. I had sent invitations to most of batch whose listed in the members' list and emails I have. If I missed anyone who would like to contribute once in a while, do let me know. Thanks!


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